Wood-Land-Lakes Resource Conservation and Development
Wood-Land-Lakes RC&D is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, established in 1994 to address natural resource needs in Northeast Indiana counties. We are a group of volunteers and staff committed to responsible stewardship of natural resources. In 2000 we created a Land Trust for farmers interested in placing conservation easements on farmland, woodlands, and wetlands.
Indiana Land Trust.
Wood Land Lakes RC&D specializes in collaborating with farm families and agriculture landowners to create conservation easements which preserve their farmland and farm businesses. Permanent easements ensure long term viability of a farm business and protection from future development. We collaborate closely with the landowner to ensure current and future landowners can support a profitable farming operation in an ever-changing agriculture industry. The Land Trust currently holds easements on 11,723 acres of farmland in twelve counties in Indiana and accepts inquiries from all counties in Indiana.
Our Land Trust Responsibility
Holding conservation easements for family farms is an important long-term responsibility and to ensure our conservation easement policies are always current, we are members of Land Trust Alliance.
Accepting and holding conservation easements involves ongoing responsibilities for our organization. One of these important responsibilities is an ability to defend conservation easements against future development pressure. Including engaging in litigation if necessary. To ensure Wood-Land- Lakes Land Trust can meet this commitment, the Land Trust maintains a legal defense fund and is one of the founding members of the conservation defense insurance group, TerraFirma.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our team of volunteers, please contact us.
Wood Land Lakes RC&D board of directors
Mike Yoder - Elkhart County - President
Rick Meyer -Noble County - Vice President
Diana Clingan- Steuben County - Treasurer
Brian Campbell- Elkhart County - Secretary
Jeff Conrad - Dekalb County
Bill Schnidt- Steuben County
Bill Hartman - Dekalb County -County Commissioner
Kathy Hopper - Lagrange County - Commissioner appointment
Gary Timmerman - Noble County - County Commissioner
Jon Zirkle - Elkhart County - Executive Director